The Rhug Estate welcomed a group of Year Seven pupils from Ysgol y Berwyn, Bala, recently. The group of ten children and staff visited Rhug Farm as part of the Lead Creative Schools Scheme which explores new and creative approaches to teaching and learning.

Ysgol y Berwyn pupils are working with lead artist, Jessica Balla, on a cross-curricular project responding to the theme of agriculture. The aim of the project is to approve attainment in numeracy. On their visit to Rhug the pupils practiced their numeracy skills by undertaking practical tasks and learnt how these skills are used day-to -day on the farm. The Lead Creative Schools Scheme is funded by the Welsh Government and the Arts Council of Wales.
Whilst visiting Rhug the pupils were given a tour of the farm by Gareth Jones, Rhug Farm Manager. On their way round the farm they got to see the farm’s herd of deer, bison, Aberdeen angus cows, sheep and days old chicks. Following the tour the group got to make their own beef burgers.
Meilir Williams, the class teacher who accompanied the pupils on the visit, said, “We were very grateful to the staff at Rhug for accommodating our visit. We often forget what wonderful resources we have on our doorstep.”
The Rhug Estate encourages groups to arrange a tour of the farm to learn more about how organic food is produced in a sustainable way. Educational groups are especially welcome.
Lord Newborough said, “I believe it is part of our job as custodians of this land to impart the knowledge we have to the next generation. I feel it is vitally important to spread the word about how important organic farming is to providing a better, more sustainable and healthy future for the next generation. I am horrified by newspaper articles that state children do not know where their food comes from. I want our future generation of consumers to make an educated choice when it comes to where they buy from.”
At the heart of Rhug is Lord Newborough’s commitment to an organic lifestyle. Rhug Farm is self-contained and a true ‘field to plate’ operation applying the highest standard of sustainability. Using the most sustainable farming practices Rhug prides itself on superior tasting meat products from the north Wales countryside. The organic farming enterprise extends to two farms and has grown over the past 20 years to nearly 8,000 acres. Organic beef, lamb, pork, bison, chicken, turkey, goose, and game when in season, are reared on the farms. Rhug Farm Shop stocks almost 3,000 products from local suppliers and small businesses, this also includes the sale of Rhug products.