Two local charities have financially benefited thanks to customers and staff at the Rhug Estate. Lord Newborough has presented cheques to St Kentigern Hospice, in St Asaph and Wales Air Ambulance, totalling over £1,000.

The funds raised from the Rhug Estate Christmas Carol Service and were divided between St Kentigern hospice, which received 75% of the funds raised, £761.25 and Wales Air Ambulance, a regular beneficiary of Rhug charity collections, which received 25% of funds raised, £253.75.
On presenting the cheques, Lord Newborough said, “On behalf of the Rhug Estate I am privileged to be able to present these cheques to two very worthwhile causes. The cheques presented are the result of generous donations kindly given by our customers and colleagues at the Rhug Christmas Carol Service and in the Bistro afterwards. Rhug staff also generously donated their time to look after everyone in the bistro with food and drink to help raise money for these worthy causes.”
St Kentigern Hospice, in St Asaph, provides care and support for patients with a life limiting illness in north east Wales. The Day Unit provides care for up to 10 patients daily, five days a week and the In-Patient Unit has eight beds providing 24-hour care, 365 days a year.
Peter Alexander, Community Fundraiser for St Kentigern Hospice said, “£4,000 is needed, per day, to keep St Kentigern hospice going and more than 80% of our overall funding is dependent on the generosity of public donations. We are very grateful to the generosity shown by the Rhug Estate and look forward to working with you again in the future to raise vital funds to help with the day-to-day costs of running the hospice.”
With a widely-scattered population and diverse landscape, many in Wales live in isolated locations, far from a major or specialist hospital. For these reasons, there is a recognised need for Wales Air Ambulance’s three helicopters to be on active duty 365 days a year. The charity needs to raise £6.5 million every year to operate the service. The charity relies totally on public donations to raise all the funds for day to day running of missions, with each mission on average costing £1,500.
Alyson Winn, Community Co-ordinator for the Wales Air Ambulance said, “We’re extremely grateful to Lord Newborough, the staff and the customers at Rhug for this donation and their regular support of Wales Air Ambulance. This money makes a valuable contribution to keeping the helicopters flying and saving lives in rural Wales.”